Breanna Shields
Breanna Shields


All works below are student works, therefore fictitious brands and companies have been used.

The website view on laptop

Web Design and Development

Elektrik Eel

A mockup of four phones showing the meanderfile travel app design

App Design

Meanderfile Travel App

Semaphore Hill

WordPress Web Design

Semaphore Hill Community Garden

App overview screen picturing four important women in history

Mobile Learning App

Pedagogy GO

The overview page for the app featuring the British Museum

App Design

Creative Digital Product

Integrated Social Media Campaign

Cancer Council (Student Work)

 Nine instagram tiles laid out together

Instagram Campaign

Maxim Organics

The front of the tote bag which shows the design

Merchandise Design

Unfold - A Celebration of Design Through Time

A double page magazine spread featuring designer, David Carson

Magazine Article

David Carson

A beer bottle showing the front label design

Label Design

Wild Betty