Breanna Shields
Breanna Shields

Web Design

Student Work

The site can be found here

The community garden's initial logo

The supplied logo

semaphore hill community garden's new logo

The new logo


Semaphore Hill Community Garden (fictitious) required a website to attract more people to the site. A target audience was not provided, and I was required to research which audience the website would best cater to. The use of WordPress was mandatory for this project, as was responsive design for all screens. The site also needed to include a minimum of five pages including a google map for location (As it is a fictional service, any location in Adelaide could be chosen).

My Contribution

During the research phase, I found that 20-39-year-olds make up almost half of Greater Adelaide's population. This demographic has also taken up gardening in recent years due to social media influences and the positive effects on mental and physical health. To cement this demographic as the target audience, I found that many 20-39-year-olds have been priced out of the housing market and therefore settle for apartment living with no space for a garden.

I began the design of the site by conducting some competitor research before creating wireframes in Figma. I then needed to decide on colour scheme. I had been provided with a logo which I was allowed to alter if necessary. I colour picked from the logo and ran those colours through an accessibility checker - It failed on most combinations. I then altered those colours slightly for better accessibility.

During this process I found the logo to be too busy which could end up causing overwhelm for visitors. So I redesigned it with rounded edges and white space, creating a modern and professional look.

It was then time to transform the wireframes into a website with WordPress. With the assistance of a theme and several plugins, I was able to create a reasonably polished website, complete with body copy, sourced imagery, SEO, and accessibility checks in just a few weeks. I also added custom CSS in a few areas for distinction.