Breanna Shields
Breanna Shields

Mobile Learning App

Pedagogy GO

A photoshopped image of four important women of Queensland's history


For this project, I needed to collect and compile a community archive by searching international, national, state, and local online archival sites and selecting five different sources relevant to the curatorial theme based on my community. I was then required to feed the archival sources into a pre-built app, called Pedagogy GO, to create a local mobile tour based around each item. The mandatories included the incorporation of a game and the tailoring of the app to a particular audience.

My Contribution

I began by conducting thorough research of archival sources to develop a curatorial theme for the overall project. I decided to highlight five specific women of Queensland’s past who fought and overcame stigma and prejudice in order to change laws, gender roles, job roles, and to give women the opportunities that they have today.

I decided that the target audience should be intellectual feminist women between the ages of 18 and 35 that love learning new things about history and having fun during the process. This is due to the fact that the theme revolves around strong women who changed history, and it is a great reminder to young women starting out on their career paths and finding their way in the world that they too can change laws and regulations if they work hard.

I gathered further archival sources, such as photographs, official documents, newspaper articles, video clips, and community artefacts to tell a detailed story of each woman. This was then uploaded and edited within the Pedagogy GO app.