Breanna Shields
Breanna Shields

Instagram Campaign

Student Work

 Nine instagram tiles laid out together
Mockup psd created by lcd2020 -
The instagram tiles laid out together An example of the instagram feed on a mobile screen


For this piece, I was required to create an Instagram campaign for a fictitious client: Maxim Organics. The client wanted their campaign to showcase their products, natural ingredients, and brand mission in a colourful and playful way. They noted that they loved the handmade look, as they felt it connected to their organic and natural ingredients and would add a personalised touch. They supplied a mood board of the design direction they wanted me to take, as well as a colour palette. The client required nine tiles to start the creative direction of their Instagram feed that when placed together, would tell a story, and give the brand a visual voice.

My Contribution

I began this project by playing with colour combinations from the provided palette to see which colours would work together in a pleasing way while incorporating contrast and keeping to the ‘playful, natural, and handmade’ theme of the brand. The client provided photography and some vector graphics that I incorporated into most tiles in the form of patterns and added illustrative elements. The final product shows a cohesive and visually pleasing set of tiles that can be used separately or together while telling a story about the brand.