Breanna Shields
Breanna Shields

App Design

Meanderfile Travel App

A mockup of the app
A mockup of the app


Develop a design proposal for a creative digital media artefact before designing, creating and testing the product.

My Contribution

As we could choose a theme and an artefact, I combined my interest of app design and travel to create a handy travel organisation app. After combining research with prior knowledge of both interests, I was able to brainstorm ideas for a name, sketch some logo ideas and create basic wireframes for the app itself.

The name Meanderfile was generated from the words ‘meander’ (wander at random), and ‘file’ (a place to store things) to create originality and meaning. The logo design shows a meandering river or path which could also be visualised loosely as an ‘M’. It is modern and simple to stand the test of time.

As for the colour scheme, I wanted to symbolise both the coast and the land while creating feelings of excitement, confidence, adventure, and relaxation.

Throughout the development of the medium-fidelity wireframes, I found that gaining feedback from the teaching team and peers was extremely useful to really push the design one step further. I incorporated the glass-morphism trend that has been used for several years, with projections to still be popular in the future.