Breanna Shields
Breanna Shields

Creative Digital Product

App Design


The goal was to produce a creative digital product that presented between five and eight GLAM objects to a public audience. The objects needed to be linked together in some way and the overall output had to engage with the curatorial theory that ‘Museums are not neutral’.

My Contribution

I chose to design an app (high-fidelity prototype) for this creative digital product to gain further experience with Figma and overall app design.

I conducted research on different topics, artefacts, and objects held within museums, before stumbling across an issue that was both interesting and fit the curatorial theory: The past acquisition of museum artefacts and whether it was considered legal at the time. I found five artefacts and objects, some well-known and others not so well-known.

I created a name and logo for the app and began prototyping and experimenting with colour schemes. As the product was based around museums and priceless artefacts, I thought it best to use a high contrast of black and white with a dark yellow accent. This, teamed with high quality imagery produces feelings of value and quality among viewers.

While creating the high-fidelity prototype of this app, I learnt a lot about Figma components and interactions. I created a drop-down menu which has a separate overlay for the ‘articles’, and the search bar is clickable. All pages are linked and the viewer can either click ‘next’ after each article, or scroll horizontally.