Breanna Shields
Breanna Shields

Integrated Social Media Campaign

Cancer Council

A facebook mockup of a woman in a field using sun protection measures A facebook mockup of a tradie on a roof using sun protection measures A facebook mockup of a hiker on a mountain using sun protection measures

A mockup of a computer screen showing Cancer Councils Latest News A mockup of a computer screen showing Cancer Councils Latest Web Article


Develop an integrated social media campaign to raise awareness of the importance of sun protection among South Australians aged 18-35-years of age. The goal was to increase downloads and use of the SunSmart app among this audience to check UV levels and to remind them of the five sun protection measures (slip, slop, slap, seek and slide). It was mandatory to use the Cancer Council and SunSmart logos on all communications and collateral.
Note: This was a university assessment and was not created for use by Cancer Council.

My Contribution

I completed this project within a team of five, where I was one of two designers. The works shown within this project were created by me, with feedback from the other group members.

This project began with research into the client, competitors, and the target audience. We found that any communications we created needed to occur across multiple social media sites as the audience engages with multiple different sites daily. Collateral was created for Instagram, Facebook, and Cancer Council’s existing website. It was critical that Cancer Council’s existing branding, such as colour, fonts, and logos, were used correctly in this project.

I created three Facebook posts aimed at different groups within the demographic – One for women, one for men, and one for tradies. These could also be used on Instagram with a slightly different format if needed. I also created a flyer with a QR code to be used at sporting events for further dispersion of information and app downloads.

As Cancer Council already have a website, I created a post in their ‘latest news’ section outlining the risks of melanoma and adding a similar image to others used in the campaign.